Our Mission

As you can see from the pictures we, at speak geek are also apart of a sub-culture. We are working to minister to you as a group and show that we are the same on many levels. I am Katherine, webmaster and minister of Speak Geek. I am attempting to show the world that even subcultures in every nation should be treated like everyone else. Yes you, as a person, may dress differently but do you feel differently. If your emo, does that mean that you cut all the time, or at all?

 Every country has their sub-cultures. Though, the US seems to have the most diverse. From Prep to Goth, Jocks to Geeks each group has their own lifestyles. But if you dont dress the way the world wants to you look, what does that mean to you as a person? We want to change the "sub-spieces" look, to one that shows that you can live without the pain.

My goal, as Speak Geek founder and leader is to make it that anyone can be welcome to any church. I want to show that subculture groups is the same as everyone else but just dress differently.  

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