What is Truth? continued

April 23, 2010
God tells us that all sin is forgiven when we ask, since Jesus christ died for our sins. OVer the years though we have allowed ourself to be lost in our own democratic views, thinking we can do everything ourselves. We do not allow God to have control. We figure that we know what is right and wrong, this is why we have such a high crime rate, it makes our society completely choatic. The only way we can know what is truely right and wrong is if we look in the right book, and i dont mean law books. 
    Now for the question of "Is there a God?" I dont need to prove this with facts and opions. All you really need to do is look out your window. How can something like our world just evolve out of preistoric glob? How can you say the beauty of a butterfly or the majestic Rockies just suddenly appear from a bang? 
    Truth is what you feel is in your heart, that little voice in your head telling you what is wrong and what to do. You dont ned a whole book of facts to prove that truth still exists. Truth is truely what everyone is searching for, the answer to the panic in their life.

What is Truth

April 17, 2010
    Truth can be defined in many ways. Truth can be said as a collection of facts to prove a claim. Truth is , though, different for many people. Truth in many cultures is relative to the situation. This allows individual interpretation of truth. This allows individual interpretation of right and wrong. 
    This can create cults and fanatics, (i.e. Jim Jones, Muslum fanatics, FDLS (latter-day saints), ect.) A relativistic perspective of truth will justify genicide, terrorism, and other fanati...
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Facing The Music, Why are you like this?

April 3, 2010
    So this is the first real lesson for this site. So my question are simple for you to answer for yourself. Why are you here? What sub-culture are you apart of? Why? What questions do you ask yourself everyday that no one can answer? What do you expect for this site? How can I help you
    These questions are the typical questions, heres some harder ones.
    What problems have you had faced in typical everyday churchs or church settings?
    How did you handle it? Did you leave? 
    What po...
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What have we become.

March 31, 2010
Okay while looking for pictures for the website i came upon a website called "God hates Goths." I began to question "Why have we become this way." Goth lifestyle maybe misunderstood, but calling them what they are not. Here's a quote I found, that is disturbing and just ugly... "The greatest threat to today's society is the rise of the gothic subculture. Goth is a sinister and violent subculture obsessed with Satanism, Wicca, Vampirism, BDSM, rape, child abuse, Hitler, bondage, sick sexual pe...
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Speak Geek Web Master Hello, I am Katherine. Web Master of Speak Geek and RTMI websites. I am 21 and currently working on making the web site to be the best as it can be.


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